Prayer Time: 6:45 am
Prayer Time: 2:00 pm
Prayer Time: 5:30 pm
Prayer Time: 7:43 pm
Prayer Time: 9:30 pm
Prayer Time: 2:00 pm
Learn and recite Quran and new dua daily
Pray the 5 daily prayers and its associated sunnah, and wake up in middle of night to pray Tahajjud
Donate to the poor, Masjid, or anywhere that needs it and contribute positively to society
Fast on Mondays and Thursdays or on the 13th, 14th, & 15th of every Hijri calendar month
Fiqh & Hadith on Fasting, Daily after Fajr Salah
Readings from Sittings in The Month of Ramadan & A Gift to The People of Iman in Lessons for the Month of Ramadan (After Isha, Before Taraweeh)
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will build for him a house in Jannah”
Masjid Nasrullah is holding a fundraiser to raise $1,750,000 to purchase land or a building that can be built into a Masjid and Islamic center.
Goal: $1,750,000.00
Collected: $628,809.00
% Raised: 35.93%
Remaining: $1,121,191.00
Masjid is looking for 500 individuals to donate $100 per month for 2 years (24 months).
This will help us raise $1,200,000 to go towards the purchase of our permanent location.
Register using link below for auto draft from your bank card. All transactions are safe & secure.
There are currently 71 people registered in the Fortunate 500
Program. 3 People have completed their pledge.
Hafiz Ahmed Bah
(Riwaya: Hafs, Warsh, Qaloon, Shu’ba, Hamzy, Duri an Qisaye, Duri Abi Amr, Soosi Abi Amr)